Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP) Exam Prep

This 5 day class is designed to help CBAP® and CCBA® candidates prepare for the certification exam for the Certified Business Analaysis Professional credential or the Certification of Competency in Business Analysis credential offered by the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA). This class reviews the aspects business analysis discussed in the Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge, Version 2.0, 2009, as well as other material not in that resource that is needed to pass the test.

This course is lecture-based and includes vocabulary drills, practice questions and exam practices to prepare the student to sit for the CBAP® or CCBA® exam, a 3 hour, 150 multiple choice question examination. The course covers all the terms and processes one needs to know to hold the requisite knowledge to be considered a certified business analysis professional, tips for applying for the exam, tips for taking the exam, practice questions, a detailed workbook and a resource listing for further study if needed.

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Course Objectives

• Understand the tasks and techniques that make up the IIBA® Body of Knowledge
• Explore the tasks and tools for performing business analysis
• Prepare for the IIBA® CBAP® or CCBA® certification exam

Course Outline

1. Overview of the BABOK Guide and Certification Exams
2. Types of requirements
3. Stakeholders in requirements
4. Business analysis planning and monitoring
5. Requirements management and communications
6. Enterprise analysis
7. Requirements elicitation
8. Requirements analysis
9. Developing analysis models
10. Solution assessment and validation
11. Underlying competencies