Managing Your Project Management Career (Project Professionalism)

In this course, participants will develop a plan for their own career. The workshop includes several self-assessments, including an extensive project management competency evaluation. The class will also cover networking, maintaining your career and how to play to your own strengths as a project manager

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Course Objectives

• Identify your project management skill strengths and weaknesses
• Develop a plan for managing your career
• Understand the career options for project managers

Course Outline

1. An Overview of Project Management as a Career Definitions
Defining roles and responsibilities for the project
Roles and responsibilities exercise*
2. Career Management: Planning Your Career and Executing Your Plan
Responsibilities for Career Management
Writing a Mission Statement
Defining Your Values
Purpose – Interpreting Your Mission
Developing a Career Strategic Plan
A “Balanced Scorecard” of Career Objectives
Developing a Career Project Charter
Measuring Your Satisfaction
3. Evaluating Your PM Competencies
Organization management
Project Management
Using the Competency Assessment Tool
4. Leveraging Your Skills: Managing Your Personal Development
Identifying Your Talents
Leveraging Your Talents
Understanding Your Developmental Needs
5. Networking: Your Career Communication Plan
Assess Your Networking Skills
Developing a Networking Plan
Tips for Networking
6. Career Health: Staying on Top of Your Game
Covey’s 8th Habit
Financial planning
Managing Stress
7. Employment Options for Project Managers
PM Related Jobs
Resources for Career Management
*Exercise – most are actually developing the work
artifact for the sample project with the class team.